Dr. H.H. Walji’s Optometry Clinic offers a wide variety of services to patients in order to ensure thorough, up-to-date eye care services, catered to each individual.

Your services include (but are not limited to) the following:

  • Comprehensive and thorough eye health exams
  • Orthokeratology
  • Ocular assessment for cataracts, gluacoma, diabetes, high blood pressure etc.
  • Pediatric optometry
  • Low vision care
  • Contact lenses and fittings
  • Vision therapy
  • Laser vision consultations and post-operative assessments

Eye health examinations are designed to assess more than general prescription and health of your eyes. A thorough and complete examination at Dr. H. H. Walji’s clinic may also  include testing: visual acuity (your ability to see small details both near and far), peripheral vision (how well you see objects that are not directly in front of you), eye movement coordination (how well your eyes align when working individually and together), tonometry (fluid pressure in eye, critical diagnosing glaucoma) and more.

That appears to be a simple eye examination is actually a through assessment in two parts:
an external eye examination (where the external area of your eye is examined for abnormalities) and an internal eye examination (special tools are used to check for abnormalities inside your eye, detecting problems including diabetes or hypertension).

Our clinic is committed to providing each patient with complete and comprehensive eye care to ensure the best vision and eye health.

Your healthy eyes are our top priority.